Smart Technology Information

Smart Technology Information

Smart Building Technology proudly brings together the fascinating worlds of IoT, Data Analytics and SaaS platforms, enabling full visualization of your buildings eco-system, all in one place. We use the IoT network and sensors to record data from all aspects of a buildings eco-system and employ Data Analytics to report this back to the customer via our SaaS platform.

With a centralized System Hub, your entire building eco-system, even across multiple sites can be accessed by an authorized user from anywhere around the world. View assets, readings, and compliance statuses via a range of bespoke dashboards, 

Action Alerts on reported issues, and receive Monthly reports covering all aspects of data recorded. 

Save on ongoing costs and lower your complaints by moving from a reactive to a preventive maintenance strategy.

What is Smart Technology?

First, what does SMART mean? SMART stands for SELF-MONITORING, ANALYSIS and REPORTING TECHNOLOGY. It is a technology that uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis to provide cognitive awareness to objects that were in the past considered inanimate.

There are 3 main types of Smart Technology.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT) - Describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, chips, software, online connectivity, analytics, and applications to bring fixed physical objects to life. These devices create significant value, they are innovative, scalable, and automated.
  2. Smart Connected Devices – Usually connected to the internet or Bluetooth and controlled remotely, smart connected devices can offer a tailored user experience but must be physically managed given that they don’t adapt to the extent IoT devices do. Smart Phones or Smart Bulbs are an example of Smart Connected Devices.
  3. Smart Devices - With reduced automation, no internet connection required, and of a programmable nature, smart devices, for instance, smart washing machines, provide specific personalized services at a particular time.
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Network Architectures

Lorawan Network Architecture

End devices communicate with nearby gateways and each gateway is connected to the network server. LoRaWan networks use an ALOHA based protocol, so end devices don’t need to peer with specific gateways. Messages sent from end devices travel through all gateways within range.

Remote Monitoring Network

Above is a simple diagram showing how the remote sensor network connects together with the lora wan network diagram above. Sensors send data to the gateway(s) on site. The gateway then sends on that data via the cloud to our User Dashboard, which can be seen at the end of the data flow.

Remote IoT Sensors vs BMS

Remote IoT Sensors

This technology has opened the world of remote monitoring to everyone and everything. All sensors are designed to be retro fitted to assets, enabling them to be monitored in the same way a BMS systems does within more complex buildings and sites. With a fully modular approach, Remote IoT Sensors allows users to monitor their highest needing assets first and build their network up over time. Begin your journey with Legionella Watch and Remote Temperature Monitoring, simply keep adding new sensor types to expand your network, end your journey with an easy to manage, more compliant and Smart building.


Stands for Building Management Services or Systems. An approach used in large and complex buildings with a full complement of building services such as HVAC, Chilled and Hot Water and Heating, Lifts or elevators, Fire Alarms, Refrigeration, and Security Systems. All of these will be connected via a LAN (Local Area Network) to a Head End Terminal to be monitored by on site facilities staff. BMS systems are installed during a buildings construction and are very expensive to implement. They are normally focused on plant equipment with the further reaches of the system left unmonitored. The cost to extend a BMS to include these elements is often prohibitive, as the installation and commissioning of hard wired sensors after construction is completed can cause huge disruption.

Remote IoT sensors can be used to enhance existing BMS systems at a fraction of the cost. All sensors are plug and play and can be added to the network as and when they are required or desired. Grow your building environment data and see your building management optimisation in a new and smarter way!

Try our IoT based Remote Monitoring Services now!

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Remote Temperature Monitoring

Remote Water Temperature Monitoring is the term used when sensors with probes are used to record the water temperatures in a building or across an entire site, it is primarily used to control Legionella outbreaks.

The probes are installed on hot and cold water system pipework and send the data collected to a centralised gateway. This data is presented to end users via Dashboards in a hosted software environment.

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Air Quality Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring is fast becoming a must have for many industries, with the threat of airborne viruses still very much at the forefront of thought in the fight of maintaining healthy and safe spaces for all buildings occupants.

COVID-19 led to a requirement of better ventilation being needed throughout many buildings in the UK. CO2 levels can be detected with a remote sensor very easily, and high levels of CO2 are a top indicator of poor ventilation. By simply controlling the CO2 levels within a building or room, the threat of COVID-19 is automatically decreased.

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Building Environment Optimisation

Building Environment Optimization enables buildings FM's to monitor a variety of parameters within a building or across a site. The aim being to create a stable and healthy environment for people to live in comfort and to help reduce carbon emissions providing a more sustainable future.

This access to building data, that is otherwise a complete unknown, is revolutionizing the way building management teams are able to strategies in order to make buildings more efficient and better places to be for their occupants, both staff and residence alike.

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Our Services

Legionella Watch

Enhanced Legionella Compliance

Accurate & Reliable

Custom Alerting Models

Access to Live Data

Monthly Compliance Reports

Auditable History

Fully Digital

Air Quality Monitoring

Receive Data for 

Indoor Air Quality


Volatile Organic Compounds


Identify Poor Ventilation

Increase Occupant Health

Smart Building Optimisation

Monitor all aspects of a building's environment remotely and optimize your building management process

Ambient Temperature

Energy Usage

Light & Sound & Motion

Leak Detection

What We Offer

our testimonials

Our clients have so many great things to say.

With over ten years in the business, we know what you need to have the best possible experience.


“Legionella Watch has taken away the stress of legionella compliance”


“You can monitor so many things with just one simple system”


“The whole process from installation to the updated weekly report has been fantastic”

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